15 research outputs found

    Sulphur-Depleted Monolayered Molybdenum Disulfide Nanocrystals for Superelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

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    Catalytically driven electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) of monolayered molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is usually highly suppressed by the scarcity of edges and low electrical conductivity. Here, we show how the catalytic performance of MoS2 monolayers can be improved dramatically by catalyst size reduction and surface sulfur (S) depletion. Monolayered MoS2 nanocrystals (NCs) (2–25 nm) produced via exfoliating and disintegrating their bulk counterparts showed improved catalysis rates over monolayer sheets because of their increased edge ratios and metallicity. Subsequent S depletion of these NCs further improved the metallicity and made Mo atoms on the basal plane become catalytically active. As a result, the S-depleted NCs with low mass (∼1.2 μg) showed super high catalytic performance on HER with a low Tafel slope of ∼29 mV/decade, overpotentials of 60–75 mV, and high current densities jx (where x is in mV) of j150 = 9.64 mA·cm–2 and j200 = 52.13 mA·cm–2. We have found that higher production rates of H2 could not be achieved by adding more NC layers since HER only happens on the topmost surface and the charge mobility decreases dramatically. These difficulties can be largely alleviated by creating a hybrid structure of NCs immobilized onto three-dimensional graphene to provide a very high surface exposure of the catalyst for electrochemical HER, resulting in very high current densities of j150 = 49.5 mA·cm–2 and j200 = 232 mA·cm–2 with ∼14.3 μg of NCs. Our experimental and theoretical studies show how careful design and modification of nanoscale materials/structures can result in highly efficient catalysis. There may be considerable opportunities in the broader family of transition metal dichalcogenides beyond just MoS2 to develop highly efficient atomically thin catalysts. These could offer cheap and effective replacement of precious metal catalysts in clean energy production

    Manipulating ultracold atoms with a reconfigurable nanomagnetic system of domain walls

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    The divide between the realms of atomic-scale quantum particles and lithographically-defined nanostructures is rapidly being bridged. Hybrid quantum systems comprising ultracold gas-phase atoms and substrate-bound devices already offer exciting prospects for quantum sensors, quantum information and quantum control. Ideally, such devices should be scalable, versatile and support quantum interactions with long coherence times. Fulfilling these criteria is extremely challenging as it demands a stable and tractable interface between two disparate regimes. Here we demonstrate an architecture for atomic control based on domain walls (DWs) in planar magnetic nanowires that provides a tunable atomic interaction, manifested experimentally as the reflection of ultracold atoms from a nanowire array. We exploit the magnetic reconfigurability of the nanowires to quickly and remotely tune the interaction with high reliability. This proof-of-principle study shows the practicability of more elaborate atom chips based on magnetic nanowires being used to perform atom optics on the nanometre scale.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A perspective on physical reservoir computing with nanomagnetic devices

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    Neural networks have revolutionized the area of artificial intelligence and introduced transformative applications to almost every scientific field and industry. However, this success comes at a great price; the energy requirements for training advanced models are unsustainable. One promising way to address this pressing issue is by developing low-energy neuromorphic hardware that directly supports the algorithm's requirements. The intrinsic non-volatility, non-linearity, and memory of spintronic devices make them appealing candidates for neuromorphic devices. Here we focus on the reservoir computing paradigm, a recurrent network with a simple training algorithm suitable for computation with spintronic devices since they can provide the properties of non-linearity and memory. We review technologies and methods for developing neuromorphic spintronic devices and conclude with critical open issues to address before such devices become widely used

    Planar organic spin valves using nanostructured Ni80Fe20 magnetic contacts

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    Planar organic spin valves were fabricated by evaporating organic semiconductor PTCDI-C13 onto pairs of patterned Ni80Fe20 magnetic nanowires separated by 120 nm. Control over the relative alignment of magnetisation in the nanowires was achieved by including a domain wall ‘nucleation pad’ at the end of one of the wires to ensure a large separation in magnetic switching fields. Switching behaviour was investigated by optical and X-ray magnetic imaging. Room temperature organic magnetoresistance of −0.35% was observed, which is large compared to that achieved in vertical spin valves with similar materials. We attribute the enhanced performance of the planar geometry to the deposition of the semiconductor on top of the metal, which improves the quality of metal–semiconductor interfaces compared to the metal-on-semiconductor interfaces in vertical spin valve

    Switchable Cell Trapping Using Superparamagnetic Beads

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    Ni{sub 81}Fe{sub 19} microwires are investigated as the basis of a switchable template for positioning magnetically-labeled neural Schwann cells. Magnetic transmission X-ray microscopy and micromagnetic modeling show that magnetic domain walls can be created or removed in zigzagged structures by an applied magnetic field. Schwann cells containing superparamagnetic beads are trapped by the field emanating from the domain walls. The design allows Schwann cells to be organized on a surface to form a connected network and then released from the surface if required. As aligned Schwann cells can guide nerve regeneration, this technique is of value for developing glial-neuronal co-culture models in the future treatment of peripheral nerve injuries

    Fabrication of Luminescent Monolayered Tungsten Dichalcogenides Quantum Dots with Giant Spin-Valley Coupling

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    A high yield (>36 wt %) method has been developed of preparing monolayered tungsten dichalcogenide (WS<sub>2</sub>) quantum dots (QDs) with lateral size ∼8–15 nm from multilayered WS<sub>2</sub> flakes. The monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> QDs are, like monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> sheets, direct semiconductors despite the flake precursors being an indirect semiconductor. However, the QDs have a significantly larger direct transition energy (3.16 eV) compared to the sheets (2.1 eV) and enhanced photoluminescence (PL; quantum yield ∼4%) in the blue-green spectral region at room temperature. UV/vis measurements reveal a giant spin-valley coupling of the monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> QDs at around 570 meV, which is larger than that of monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> sheets (∼400 meV). This spin-valley coupling was further confirmed by PL as direct transitions from the conduction band minimum to split valence band energy levels, leading to multiple luminescence peaks centered at around 369 (3.36 eV) and 461 nm (2.69 eV, also contributed by a new defect level). The discovery of giant spin-valley coupling and the strong luminescence of the monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> QDs make them potentially of interests for the applications in semiconductor-based spintronics, conceptual valley-based electronics, quantum information technology and optoelectronic devices. However, we also demonstrate that the fabricated monolayered WS<sub>2</sub> QDs can be a nontoxic fluorescent label for high contrast bioimaging application